iPhone/iPod touch/iPad software
Ninja Girl (5)
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The operation of the game

1.How to fight
  The ninja girl fights by three operation.
  { Throw the throwing stars }
    Flick the image of the ninja girl in the Bottom to Top. (Figure 7)
    When you flick that image fast, you can blow off the throwing stars fast.
    When you flick that image obliquely, you can blow off the throwing stars obliquely.
    The number of throwing stars which can be thrown in succession is three.
    This operation is possible in all the game levels.

    [ Figure 7. How to throw the throwing stars ]

  { Shake the sword }
    Flick the image of the ninja girl in the Top to Bottom. (Figure 8)
    This operation is possible in the game level 7-8.

    [ Figure8. How to shake the sword ]

  { Disappears by the smoke screen }
    Tap the position where the ninja girl wants to run away. (Figure 9)
    Then, the ninja girl disappears by the smoke screen, and the ninja girl is moved to the position where you tap.
    The movement of the ninja girl is only a Horizontal.
    This operation is possible in the game level 3-8.

    [ Figure 9. How to disappears by the smoke screen ]

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