iPhone/iPod touch/iPad software
Ninja Girl (6)
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The operation of the game (continuation)

2.Action Sheets

  { When you tap the X button or when the device was shuffled }
    Reset : Reset the current game.
    Go Back : Return to the menu.
    Cancel : Continue the current game.

    [ Figure 10. The action sheets when the X button was tapped ]

  { When the game was cleared (Level1-7) }
    Go Next Level : Play the game of the next level.
    Play Again : Play the game of the current level again.
    Go Back : Return to the menu.

    [ Figure 11. The action sheets when the game was cleared ]

  { When the game was ended / When the game was cleared (Level8) }
    Play Again : Play the game of the current level again.
    Go Back : Return to the menu.

    [ Figure 12. The action sheets when the game was ended ]

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